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3dweather 3d Weather Alerts And Forecasts 3 5

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HURRICANE Florence is currently approaching North and South Carolina, with residents bracing for destructive winds and life-threatening flash flooding.

But if you weren’t taking it seriously before now, one weather outlet has gone above and beyond to show viewers just how horrifying the impact of Hurricane Florence could be.

The Weather Channel has used augmented reality and its recently developed immersive studio to air an extraordinary 3D simulation of a progressive storm surge — or flash flooding — scenario.

The studio used the entire broadcasting room and a choreographed presentation by weather reporter Erika Navarro to project a depiction of the “worst case scenario” arising from Hurricane Florence.

Just a normal weather girl, nothing to see here (except for the extreme weather warnings, please take note of those) Picture: Weather ChannelSource:Supplied

Like all natural disasters, most people spend a lot of their time tuned into the local news channels for weather updates and safety warnings.

Realistic hurricane simulation terrifies viewers

Storm surges, or flash flooding, are a real risk from Hurricane Florence. Picture: Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images, AFPSource:AFP

Erika begins her forecast by explaining that Hurricane Florence is a “large and extremely destructive hurricane” and warning that extreme flash flooding is a real threat along parts of the US coastline.

She uses a typical map graphic which has been superimposed on to the green screen behind her.

Roving to different parts of the country, Erika issues wind and rainfall forecasts for each area.

Everything is normal, until about 45 seconds in, when things take an intense turn.

“This is just what it looks like on the map,” Erika says.

“We can show you what this could look like if you were to find yourself in this scenario.”

Hold up, why’s Erika on West 46th Street? I thought this was about the hurricane.Source:Supplied

Suddenly the map dissolves and Erika is standing on a neighbourhood street corner, while an audio clip of racing water and strong wind plays overhead.

As if by meteorological magic, storm water begins pooling around Erika’s feet and rises as she explains the threat of storm surges from Hurricane Florence.

The simulation then demonstrates what a storm surge would look like at three feet (0.9m), six feet (1.8m) and nine feet (2.7m).

Erika should get out of this street, it doesn’t look that safe.Source:Supplied

Erika is now dragging the storm water out of the ground with her bare hands. This is crazySource:Supplied

Desktop ghost pro 1 5 1 download free. Horrifyingly, the visualisation of the water continues to rapidly rise around Erika, halfway up the street sign and almost fully submerges the red car close by. The clever wraparound green screen gives the scene the feeling that Erika is actually in the street, surrounded by danger.

3d weather 3d weather alerts and forecasts 3 5 days

Oh my god, that car is being submerged by water. It’s all good though, Erika is totally fine. This is next level.Source:Supplied

“Once that water comes up to three feet, you can see that it would be coming up my shins, up towards my waist,” Erika says.

“This could be enough to knock you off your feet, it could even float some cars that could be parked on the side of the roadway”.

The wind has really picked up, Erika has pretty much drowned and that car is a total write off. I hope the simulated owner has insurance.Source:Supplied

The scene is enough to take your breath away, as you watch the water rise from three to six feet — 0.9m to 1.8m — extremely quickly.

The simulation gradually gets more terrifying as the water current becomes more turbulent, winds rage in the distance and the weather reporter appears to be completely surrounded by muddy floodwater.

Erika explains the different risks associated with storm surges, urging residents to listen to authorities if a situation like this occurs during Hurricane Florence.

“Winds pick everything up, cars would be floating at this point. This water is over my head, I wouldn’t be able to stand here or withstand the force of the water coming in,” she says.

“There might even be dangers like chemicals and exposed power lines lurking in the waters”.

I am done. I don’t know how Erika isn’t having a panic attack at this stage of the simulation.Source:Supplied

3d Weather 3d Weather Alerts And Forecasts 3 5 Day

Brave browser 80 1 4 96 mm. “But once we get to nine foot range, this is an absolute life threatening scenario,” she says.

“This water is through the first floor of your home, into the second”.

Distressingly, fish can be seen swimming around the floodwater as well as debris and the submerged street sign.

Didn’t realise I was watching a horror movie. Cheers, Erika.Source:Supplied

We are left with an intense aerial view of the devastated street scene as the camera zooms out and the weather reporter reminds residents to stay alert and listen to the authorities when Hurricane Florence hits.

3d Weather 3d Weather Alerts And Forecasts 3 5 Days

“This is an extremely dangerous and life threatening situation,” Erika says. “So if you find yourself here, please get out.”.

3d Weather 3d Weather Alerts And Forecasts 3 50

Oh, don’t worry Erika, we will now.

3d Weather 3d Weather Alerts And Forecasts 3 5 Months

The science of superstorms

3dweather 3d Weather Alerts And Forecasts 3 5
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